“The services provided by ” It’s Just Lunch was total waste of money” That’s exactly what many customers described about It’s Just Lunch on the latest class-action lawsuit filed against them. It’s Just Lunch here in South Carolina has a 1.5-star rating on Yelp and that’s the lowest you can get!
But there ‘s no need to worry because we are the better alternative to the cookie-cutter franchise matchmaking service It’s Just Lunch. Our Greenville matchmaking service is superior to It’s Just Lunch in all areas.
Our Greenville matchmaking service has the most experienced team of matchmakers working for us and they have been with our company for over 15 years. We are also known for having the most diverse database of elite professionals that vary in ages, career fields, religious beliefs and ethnic backgrounds.
Our Greenville matchmaking service offers many types of matchmaking services designed to fit the budget of everyday working professionals. Our members are teachers, nurses, small business owners, state workers, bank tellers, and many more local professionals.
Joining our local matchmaking service is going to streamline the dating process and help you find someone special with whom you can share your amazing life with.
Take the first step today and complete the short form below!